Laser Tattoo Removal [During] Breastfeeding: Safe Or Not?

Many women who have embraced the monumental change in their lives by producing a human being find themselves eager for more changes.

After all, if you’ve proven yourself a superwoman by giving birth, it feels like there’s nothing you can’t handle.

Perhaps you’re considering removing an unwanted tattoo from the regrettable old days, thinking now is the moment.

Can you get laser tattoo removal while breastfeeding? This is a question that may have crossed your mind as you contemplate this transformative journey.

However, before proceeding, you want to know if laser tattoo removal is safe for both you and your baby while you are breastfeeding.

It’s a topic even Dr. Spock didn’t cover in his “Common Sense Book of Baby and Childcare,” but here are the facts.

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Why Should You Not Consider Laser Tattoo Removal While Breastfeeding? 

1. Ink Concerns

When considering laser tattoo removal while breastfeeding, it’s crucial to consult a physician.

The procedure involves pulses of light and heat breaking down tattoo ink in the dermis into tiny particles.

These are then flushed from the body through the lymphatic system. Yet, studies have not conclusively determined if these ink particles can pass into breast milk.

Out of an abundance of caution, the prevailing consensus in the laser tattoo removal industry, supported by websites and newsletters like Breastfeeding Support and endorsed by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, is to wait at least 3 months after finishing breastfeeding before beginning the tattoo removal process.

Consultation and planning of sessions should only commence once you are no longer breastfeeding.

This is recommended to ensure the safety of both mother and child, reflecting a careful approach to health and wellness.

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2. Infection Concerns

Infection risks during laser tattoo removal while breastfeeding are considered low.

However, the procedure can lead to blisters or fluid-filled sacs beneath the epidermis.

Proper aftercare instructions are vital to prevent these from being popped or scratched, which could lead to infection.

For those with sensitive skin, the risk, although minimal, is not nonexistent.

It’s about transparency and ensuring the procedure is safe for both mother and child.

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3. Immune System Concerns

Laser tattoo removal treatments require a strong and healthy immune system to promote healing.

Yet, breastfeeding mothers, often waking up multiple times to feed a ravenous baby, might find their immune system not in its fighting shape.

This consideration is crucial for healing post-treatment.

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Is It Safe To Get A Tattoo While Breastfeeding?

When pondering whether it’s safe to get a tattoo while breastfeeding, there are several factors to consider.

Tattooists use a hand-held electric machine with needles to inject ink into the dermal layer of the skin.

This ink, regulated by the FDA as cosmetics, contains heavy metals like cadmium, cobalt, and manganese, as well as synthetic and vegan brands.

Though these ink molecules are generally too large to pass into breastmilk during the tattoo process, and once injected, the ink is trapped in the skin and breaks down over months to years, the full implications on breastfeeding women remain underexplored.

The general information available suggests local and systemic infections are possible, with the latter including diseases like hepatitis, tetanus, and HIV if universal precautions are not followed by the tattoo artist.

Aftercare regimen is crucial, involving keeping the tattooed area clean with mild soap and water, avoiding sun exposure, and not picking at scabs. Tylenol may be recommended for pain management.

Before deciding, it’s advised to screen the tattooist and shop carefully, checking for compliance with local health department laws and regulations.

Professional tattooists will ensure sterilization of equipment, use single-use ink cups, gloves, and needles, and take measures to prevent cross contamination.

For pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, the consensus leans towards waiting 9-12 months post-birth, when the child is less dependent on breastmilk, to mitigate any potential liability or disease risk to the growing baby.

A thorough waiver that inquires about pregnancy and breastfeeding status is typically required by reputable artists to protect both the client and the tattooist from potential liability.

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Why Shouldn’t You Get A Tattoo While Breastfeeding?

Getting a tattoo while breastfeeding or pregnant introduces risks not only to the mother but also to the nursing child.

The process can lead to infections, both local and systemic, which are among the common side effects of tattoos.

Aftercare is crucial, involving cleaning the area with mild soap and water, evading sun exposure, and not picking at scabs to prevent these infections.

However, even with proper aftercare regimen, there’s still a risk from the ink itself, especially red inks, which are known for causing allergic reactions.

Moreover, the potential for contracting methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a systemic infection that can be challenging to manage with medications that may be unsafe for breastfeeding parents, underscores the need for caution.

Tattoo artists should follow universal precautions, including the use of clean, sterilized needles, to mitigate the risk of tetanus, hepatitis, and HIV.

Despite these measures, the overarching advice is to wait to receive a tattoo until after breastfeeding has concluded, allowing the body time to heal and avoid unnecessary stress during pregnancy or while nursing.

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Can You Get Laser Tattoo Removal While Breastfeeding?

The question of whether you can have a tattoo removed while breastfeeding brings uncertainty and safety concerns to the forefront.

The laser tattoo removal procedure utilizes laser energy to shatter the pigment within the dermal layer of the skin into smaller particles.

These particles are then picked up by the immune system and filtered out of the body by the liver.

However, studies regarding whether these particles can enter the milk supply and be ingested by the baby are lacking, introducing a risk that many parents are unwilling to take.

The removal process is lengthy, often requiring 8-10 sessions, spaced 4-8 weeks apart. It can be painful, leading to blistering and scarring, and may not always result in the tattoo being fully removed.

Given these risks, along with the potential for infection, allergic reactions to free ink particles, and increased amounts of ink released into the mother’s body during the laser removal process, the safety of laser tattoo removal during breastfeeding remains unknown.

Experts often recommend waiting until weaning is completed before undergoing laser removal of tattoos.

This precaution is advised despite the evidence on the safety of tattoos during breastfeeding being inconclusive.

The act of having a tattoo placed does not directly affect the breastfeeding relationship, but the potential for inks used to pass into breastmilk during laser removal warrants careful consideration.

When contemplating tattoo removal while breastfeeding, consulting a doctor and exploring all options with a professional tattoo artist are crucial steps.

The decision to adorn your body with a tattoo or to remove one should balance the pros and cons, ensuring you give your baby the best start in life.

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Can Tattoo Ink Get Into Breast Milk

FAQs About Can You Get Laser Tattoo Removal While Breastfeeding

1. When Can I Get A Tattoo While Breastfeeding?

Mothers should wait 9-12 months after birth, until the child is no longer dependent on breastmilk alone, before getting a tattoo. It’s vital to choose reputable tattoo artists who provide a waiver for the client to sign, acknowledging pregnancy and breastfeeding status.

2. Can Tattoo Ink Get Into Breast Milk?

Tattoo inks, composed of various compounds and heavy metals like cadmium, cobalt, and manganese, as well as synthetic and vegan brands, are assumed to have molecules too large to pass into breastmilk during the tattoo process.

3. Can You Get A Tattoo While Pumping Breast Milk?

Similar to the advice for breastfeeding, mothers are advised to wait 9-12 months post-birth, ensuring their child is not solely dependent on breastmilk, before getting a tattoo.

4. Can You Get A Tattoo On Your Arm While Breastfeeding?

The Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health advises against getting a tattoo while pregnant or breastfeeding, citing increased risks and a lack of evidence. Many tattoo establishments may not allow it.

5. Can Tattoos Harm Your Breastfed Baby?

It is not likely that tattoos you had prior to breastfeeding will harm the baby. The ink is trapped in the dermal layer of the skin and doesn’t transfer to breast milk.

6. Can You Donate Breast Milk If You Have Tattoos?

You can donate breast milk even if you have tattoos, provided they were done with a single-use, sterile needle. Milk banks, following guidelines of the Human Milk Banking Association of America, will screen the milk for safety eight days after any new tattoo.

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Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the decision to get a tattoo or have it removed while breastfeeding presents mixed opinions and requires careful consideration.

It’s essential to wait until done with breastfeeding, contact a doctor for guidance, and take necessary precautions to ensure the process is safe.

Ultimately, whether you can proceed with laser tattoo removal while breastfeeding depends on evaluating the risks, seeking professional advice, and prioritizing the well-being of both mother and child.

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